"love is stronger than us all, stronger than two worlds colliding."
If love is stronger than us all then why do we still keep loving? I myself am part of something that one may call a "losing battle". I've been in love with a certain girl for quite a time now. Complications and fate have tinkered with this love that I had that is why I say it is a "losing battle". Also, I can feel that with the recent events that have happened, everything is not going really good. Add to that, the fact that soon (maybe but hopefully not) I will have less time to spend with her. It kills me thinking about that and what might happen. My college days will soon be over as well as my days with her. I will definitely miss her and that is why right at this moment, I am trying to make the most of the time we have. But as I try and do this I can feel her shying away from me. Maybe I am overdoing things. Becoming more aggressive and obvious. But why blame me? I'm just someone who loves and wants to be loved back. And even though I would not be loved back, maybe just an acknowledgment of this love that I have for almost 2 years now. Is it too much to ask to be accepted? I know sometimes I've been overreacting or maybe I'm becoming too attached to this love and to this person. But if that is how I love, then sue me. I love because there is someone to love and this someone accidentally was her. Right at this moment, as I think about the times we've spent together it occurred to me that this love is a tragic comedy. It was not all fun and happiness but I am still happy for those experiences. I'm predicting how this will end but then again fate can bring out a twist in this situation. Hit me if you think I deserve it but I think I'll fight all the way through. Maybe I will finish this "losing battle" and emerge as the loser but hopefully there are points for loving and for the efforts I've done.