
Astral Projection?

In the past year, I have been interested in many mystical activity / phenomena. These things involve lucid dreaming, meditation, magick etc. I've been reading on how to do theses things and have tried a few. 

One mystical activity that I found very interesting was Astral Projection. There were many sources, articles and books found online explaining what Astral Projection is. Just type it in Google and millions and millions of websites will pop up. In my study of this topic I have learned techniques on how to do it but still haven't succeeded till last night. So here's what happened.

Last night, at around 11:30PM I decided to go to bed. It was a normal night and I wasn't tired from any activity done within the day. So I took my usual sleeping position and closed my eyes. I noted that the time on my iPod was 11:35PM. A couple of minutes later, I realized that I was dreaming yet I am aware of my surroundings. I was dreaming of a lot of things and it was a blurry kind of dream. I cannot make sense of what I was seeing since it was like an old film running fast forward in my brain. I can also feel my pillows, cellphones and iPod Touch beside me as well as the wind from the electric fans running through my arms and legs. But the thing is, I can't move any muscle at that point. This is quite normal for me since it frequently happens to me (being stuck in a state of dream and reality without being able to move any muscle) so I didn't panic. A couple more minutes I felt that I can now move my body I changed my sleeping position with my face down on my pillow. As I did this, an extraordinary / weird feeling overcame me. It felt like something was pinning my 2 hands on my bed and as this was happening I felt a part of me being removed from my body. It was like a similar "me" or some kind of spirit is being taken out of my body. It started from my head down. I felt like I was on an ascending / descending airplane wherein your ears got blocked due to pressure. I concluded that something was pulling my "other self" away from my body. As this happened, a multitude of thoughts came running through my brain and I immediately thought of Astral Projection. I though that maybe, this time I will succeed in performing such activity subconsciously (since I did not perform any activity regarding this before sleeping). But another thought came to my mind and it overpowered the excitement I felt for what I am about to do. I felt scared. I felt scared since I did not have mastery on this activity and thought "What if I never come back to my physical body?". Right at that moment, excitement faded and panic overcame through the completeness of my existence. I never felt that kind of panic before. I then tried, with so much difficulty to open my eyes and move my arms. It took a huge amount of effort to do this but it was not physical effort. It was more like a mental effort of trying to physically move your limbs. After trying and trying I then succeeded an opening my eyes and I immediately grabbed my cellphone to produce some light. As I clicked my phone open, I noticed the time was 12:05AM. All this happened in about 30mins or so.

I don't know what I've experienced last night, but for me it was extraordinary. I regret the fact that I feared what was happening. I regret it because I really wanted to know what would happen if I gave in to that force pulling me out of my body. Some may call it an "out-of-body experience" or "Astral Projection" but I wouldn't know now. I guess the next time it happens, I'll just give in even though it's a bit (spiritually / mentally) painful.


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